Auxiliary Power Units (APU) Weight Exemption Guide

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Today, we’re publishing a guest post from our friends over at Track Your Truck. If you’re shipping freight state-to-state, it’s important to recognize weight limits, especially with the weight additions of APUs. Take a look at their convenient guide below for more info.   Auxiliary power units (regularly referred to as APUs) remove the need …

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Why You Should Look For Value Over Price in Freight

value over price in freight

The words value and price are not synonymous, especially when it comes to freight shipping. At FreightPros, we’re interested in offering value over price. What does this mean? Let’s look at a hypothetical shipper to better explain the difference between value and price. Let’s say that you’re a new business owner, one who will need …

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First Freight Shipments: A FreightPros LTL Checklist

first freight shipment checklist

  First freight shipments can be scary. LTL is not for the faint of heart, and it starts right from the beginning. Is my freight packaged correctly? Do I have the right insurance? Am I using the right carrier? The right bill of lading? When will the driver make the pickup? The delivery? These are …

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