Shipping Fertilizer: Getting LTL Quotes for Dry, Raw, or Liquid Materials

Shipping fertilizer

Shipping fertilizer is one the most common types of LTL shipping that we do here at FreightPros, and so for you fertilizer freight shippers out there, we took the time to mark up a quick blog post about the basics of fertilizer shipping. As with any LTL shipment, you’ve got to mind the basics when …

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Changes in Freight Class Affect LTL Shipping

changes in freight class

Have You Checked Your Freight Class Recently? As a Billing Specialist at FreightPros, one of the most difficult invoice issues I deal with is a Reclass. Your product may not ship at the same class as it did when you started shipping. I cannot stress enough the importance of all five suggestions that our Classmaster, Lucas, made …

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Class 50 Freight: Weird things you can ship LTL on Class 50

Class 50 freight

  If you’re a regular LTL freight shipper, you know the complications with freight class. You finally find the right one for your product and then the NMFTA goes and changes it! Maybe they move it from NMFC to density classing! You never know with those pesky NMFTAers. From class 50 to 500, the cheapest …

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Density vs NMFC: The Battle of the LTL Freight Classes

Density vs. NMFC

There are two ways to class freight in LTL: Density or NMFC. We’ve already discussed at length the explaining of freight class, and we’ve even got a Free Freight Paper on The Mysteries of Freight Class, but as carriers such as Fedex and UPS begin the process of density/dimensional pricing for their small package shipments, …

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